Dec 9, 2012

This is how we Celebrate my Buddyz

hey uols,

How many buddyz you guys have? How long did you guys spend time with your buddy? But in my situation I do have my own Buddyz, they not just ordinary Buddyz for me they are like siblings to me. Me and my Buddyz have our own way to keep in touch. Our relationship are way beyond with just a normal friends. No matter how we fight we pulling others hair, we do cat fight but end with LOVE. This is the way we care to each other.
as y'll know that, we all like really close and during the weekend or holiday my and my buddyz definitely caaving for an activities. Going for a holiday, staying inside the room and having pillow talk and yeah gossip for sure. LOL Love to hear the laughter on them that make us feel better :)
what a spectacular moment, having a reunion with the rest of my buddyz at A famosa theme park Malacca.
me and my buddyz love entertainment such as theater and dance musical. Just say the place as long we're free than we'll be there haha. We never let the emptiness between buddyz we always
for some reason weols kinda enjoy having a picnic during the holiday, we get more closer and closer to each other within the day. What a such blessed day :)

Normally during weekdays we just having a simple conversation chat via Facebook or just texting to each other trough our smartphones Blackberry. Blackberry actually give massive impact in our buddyz stail, therefor as buddyz this is the way we treat each other. Never apart with your buddyz with Digi
see all the BB that me and my friend use for Digi Easy Prepaid accept for the poor Nokia ahaks. So what are you guys waiting for?
well that's the way we kinda enjoy our buddyz, we never apart. Luckily with you guys, you can share the benefit with you buddy with "Digi Easy Prepaid" benefits and yeah with Digi Easy Prepaid you guys will enjoy the benefit they offer as below:

1. Free Call and SMS to your 3 Buddyz
2. 10 free SMS to all network with every RM10 reload
3. 24 Hours everyday FREE calls + SMS to Buddyz™ + Facebook and RM1/day Internet with DiGi Easy Prepaid.. So you guys can facebook-ing with you buddyz all the day long ^_^
we juicy, we flood, we bubbly, we laugh machine, we born to be buddyz for now for ever, we'll never apart cos we BUDDYZ

So How you and your Buddyz™ are Never Apart 24/7?


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