Apr 15, 2013

Kifli Mally: Macam mana nak pose dengan heels less 9 inch.

hey uols,

Hari tu kan mek jalan-jalan kat area sg wang time tu baru je lepas jumpa Hafiz Awan Nano, lepas tu nampak satu kedai kasut ni yang memang jual kasut bersize besar dan boleh ditempah lagi. So kepada korang yang teringin nak try especially hadek-hadek berangan boleh lah g tempah kat sg wang. Kat tingkat 3 hanya satu je kedai yang di pamerkan semua kasut dia dalam bentuk Kayu/trompah. Bertentangan dengan kedai makan Tepanyaki yer adik2.

so mari akak tunjuk kan macam mana nak pose dengan heels 9 inch ni. Dan yang penting heels ni jenis heels less ok. Memang dari dulu lagi teringin nak try macam mana pakai heels ni. So now I got the chance to catwalk using it. Are you ready with the pose?
 1) a normal pose. Every story must start with angle look one ^_^ here we continue!
 2) A cangkung pose, when u want to sit also can give a platform. Kalau kat kampung nak berak you can use this one your ass got distance from the ground.
 3) A tonggeng pose. This pose ah very dangerous you know? especially to gegurl. When abang say ayang toggeng then u give this pose lah haha. Kinky somemore
 4) hah this when you feel tired waiting all day long your friend arrive. You can lean on the wall for a while. So I called it waiting pose haha.
 5) The invisible chair pose. You cannot see the chair ah? something must went wrong in you haha!
 6) last but not least. The itchy pose. When ever you feel gatal-gatal then you just can scratch all over using the heels. Haha

so korang rasa berapa harga heel less custome made macam tu? with no discount yer yang penting kekwat aunty tu tak nak bagi discount. It cost RM800 ok. Hurmmm kalau RM800 I can go for buy Heel Less at Charles n keith lagi cantik uols. hehe Tapi kawan I ada je beli kat situ sebab dia senang ikut size kaki dia ^_^
so setiap orang ada cita rasa kan?
 makan hati tak? korang tunggu yer nnti mak ada satu mak pose pic kat uols semua ok.

stay Goddess!!!!


  1. suke pose melentik + tongeng ituee sambil fefiling KALAU ada rambut pelesu..heee!!

  2. @Anonymous kannn itu baru heels uols belum lagi pose dengan wig :) nnti akan dibuat


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